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Welcome To UnifiedChat IRC Network’s Beginner Guide to get you started
There are basically two services that you will interact with while you are on UnifiedChat IRC Network, These services are known as NickServ and ChanServ
NickServ is the service we’re using for nickname ownership. It is the gateway service to all other network services. Users register accounts with NickServ that they authenticate to upon connection to the network. Without a registered NickServ account you will not be able to use any other UnifiedChat service.
To Get Started is simple steps
Open up any IRC Client such as the following below
Connect to our Network by typing
Or +6697 for SSL connections
You can also connect via SASL if your client supports it
Guides is something will appear later on in due time
Once connected to register you’re nickname type /msg NickServ Register Enter-Password-Here
After that to login type /msg NickServ ID Enter-Password-Here and you’re all set
Need any further help understanding this guide feel free to reach out to someone in #Help
Thank you for reading this new user guide and enjoy our network