Network Rules Updated: 16/06/2022
Rules to follow:
- No ban evasion, channel or network.
- No distributing child pornography
- No unsolicited advertising (spam) eg: no other IRC networks.
- No flooding channels or DDoSing users.
- No botnets or abusive bots
- No impersonating IRC staff or services.
- No clones (We have a limit the amount of connections you can have up to 6 per IP. (Mainly for big families) Any more than this will risk being banned.
- Respect Each other
- Don’t carry on with bullshit
- Have fun on IRC
- Don’t beg for O:Lines
- Be involved in the chat
- Friendly Game RPG Bots are allowed granted they are not annoying/abusive
- Network staff are not the nanny police, someone says something you don’t like you can use /ignore or /silence.
NOTICE: All connections to the IRC network are checked against DNS Blacklists to ensure your host is not abusive or compromised.
Failure to adhere to these rules may result in either a temporary or a permanent ban from the network. You have been warned.